domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

Entrevista com Ks^

Aqui vai uma entrevista que fiz com o Ks^ (ex-VP), pelo que eu me lembrava eu tinha traduzido a entrevista, mas como nao consigo encontra-la vai em ingles mesmo, essa entrevista foi feita dia 30/04/2008, pouco antes do VP acabar, eu fiz a entrevista pra CdMJ, e qualquer pessoa que quiser utiliza-la, va em frente :D (desculpem pela falta de acentos =P).

Divinov: Can you introduce yourself for those few who doesn't know you yet?
Virtus|joliE: I'm Vasiliy Pepelyaev aka Virtus. or maGe]Jolie, or PornTraktr[mic] or any other nickname from my collection, and i'm 21 years old.

Divinov: Well, many people thought you guys didn’t care about being disqualified from pride #10, is that correct? What was the reaction of everybody in the clan?
Virtus|joliE: Hmm, i can't say for whole team... but for me it's not like this. I care about reputation, and i'm sad about this fact. But i can't press all our players to be so carefull about things like that, bcos we havent so big motivation to win Pride, like on 6th or 7th. This is practise for us mostly.
Anyway i'm guilty in our disqualified, nobody else.

Divinov: How VP has come to today's roster? After winning PD 3 times in a row and several other tournaments the team who seemed untouchable changed. Why?
Virtus|joliE: For me old VP and new VP are simillary about skill. Skill was main thing, when Dota became popular, but now teamplay and tolerance become more and more important. Blow and especially Light are so good @these components.
And our latest addition - Puppey, is very very good @skill, teamwork and tolerance.

Divinov: How do you feel about the label of bad-mannered and no-respect-with-rules that some people are trying to put in you guys? This reflect in the relations with other clans or admins?
Virtus|joliE: Hmm, it's habitually for me, bcos i'm russian.... i was in some euro-country's and i saw so different understanding thunking between russians and people from small country's. Imho, russians fears so less, if u will compare it to europeans. So europeans see to much unmannering in russian's talks and movings, that's all.

Divinov: The addition of Puppey to the roster was only for the ESWC or he will be joining the team in every tournament. how is the practices going?
Virtus|joliE: Now have 6 people in a roster. All have same rights, i think only Light and Vigoss will play in every game, other players can be switched, including me ofc. But, on russian's tournaments (ASUS, something else in future) we prefer to use russia players.

Divinov: What do you think about this 'Player Council" in PD?
Virtus|joliE: Player Council is predictable alliance for dota-community. It's going from IHCS (main competitive community). Don't wanna make comments about it, but i think, this council is not needed.

Divinov: VP is stilll playing together in cafe? how the changes affected the team play?
Virtus|joliE: We rarely playing from caffe together now. Mostly we playing cw's via ventrilo and without some players. But all players training a lot with their own way. It's enough for our team, imho.

Divinov: To complete this interview, a lot of people asked me to do this questions: how do you guys train? How do you define your tactics? What advices would you give to the ones who wanna follow your steps?
Virtus|joliE: Massive dota games is our training. Me, Light, NS and Puppey playing cw's, sometimes Blow coming to us. Vigoss and Blow training @ihcs. Light, Puppey and NS also playing there. Best way for new teams is find their own way to rape. Faster way for it is mass communication between all players.

Divinov: Anything you want to add or say to brazil's dota comunity?
Virtus|joliE: Mc'Lovin is my brasilian BRO, i wish him all of best.

Um comentário:

votenuloja disse...

Muitooo boa a entrevistaa
valeuu div!